ADVENT 63 On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry Is. 40: 3; Matt. 3: 3 L. M. Jordanis oras praevia Charles Coffin, 1676–1749 Tr., John Chandler, 1837 (Stanzas 1–3) Puer nobis nascitur “Musae Sioniae,” VI 1609 And Our And An make Ref fur nounc ing tion, tian tist’s hand Lord, breast cry the uge, nished es on Thou cleansed Jor by the art dan’s Then 1 On 2 4 Lay 3 For heal va Chris Bap Thy Sal ’ry the our sick bank ev ry our en, of souls hearts for heark the Thy us and glo grace each our that for and fall Thy must pre he strong great great to Re a is Lord our en so the us out let then, stand; ward. Guest. nigh; Show With Yea, Come, from come like springs en dings to er ty the and a in King brings pare fade face ti Christ with beau Till Glad For And men. flow’r of ter de ’ry ev A kings. there. cayed. place. 5 All praise, eternal Son, to Thee Who advent sets Thy people free, Whom, with the Father, we adore And Holy Ghost forevermore.